
Once the 2014 racing season starts, I'll do recaps. Until then, here are my PR's. :)

5k: Red & Gray 5k, 21:56

5 miler: Turkey Trot, 38:49

Half Marathon: Savannah Rock-n-Roll half, 1:49

Marathon -- ??? (Hopefully I'll have a time here one day!)


  1. Yes! You totally should do a marathon :) Miss, speedy on the half! My PR is 1:53... down from 2:08! I'd love to get under 1:50.

    1. I'm so close to signing up for one! it's slightly intimidating but I think I'm ready for it! and awesome PR!! I was only shooting for a sub-2 hour half on mine but it was the PERFECT race day so I decided to just leave it all out there. It's always a great feeling when you hit a huge PR! :)
