Thursday, September 12, 2013

Songs that Define Me

Participating in my first link-up! That's pretty blogger-ish, right?!

I have three songs on the agenda for today... all vastly different but totally me!

1. "Lose Yourself" by Eminem

This has been my go-to jam when I'm running for like, 5 years now. It's funny because I SWEAR it's like my iPhone knows when I'm struggling because it always comes on at the exact right time when I need it the most. When I ran my first half marathon and was seriously struggling around mile 10, this came on and all I could think about was the line "here I go it's my shot, feet fail me not, this may be the only opportunity that I got" and boom--the finish line was mine. This song will NEVER get old.

2. "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz

This will always, ALWAYS be my favorite song. I've been a huge fan of Jason Mraz since his "Remedy" days and have seen him in concert 3 times now. There's just something about this song. I always tell my friends that when I hear this song it's a sign that life is good and it's God's way of saying "keep smiling". Cheesy but the truth. :) KEEP SMILING PEOPLE!

3. "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith

Okay--if you thought the last song was cheesy then just wait for this one. This song defines a very important moment in my life--the first time I told Peter I loved him.... even if I thought he didn't hear me. ;) A little backstory-- we were at my cousin's wedding and dancing the night away after a few too many whiskey sours. Armageddon has and will always be Peter's favorite movie so my brother thought it would be funny to get the DJ to play this song. It came on and I know this sounds crazy but it was just one of those "moments" that you always see in movies but never think will actually happen to you. It was during this song that I knew Peter was the one for me and whispered "I love you" for the first time but didn't think he heard me. A few days later he told me he heard me loud and clear.. and it was official. :)

Helene in Between

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