Wednesday, January 29, 2014


One of the major perks of working for a college? SNOW DAYS! Second Wednesday in a row I've been off of work. Do I have a BILLION things to accomplish before Friday? Of course. Does this put a wrench in plans for the sorority recruitment we've been planning? You better believe it. But you know what, for the next couple of hours, I'm going to sit under my heated blanket, watch the Today show, and enjoy it. 

Oh and put this survey on here. That too.

Currently reading…

Do blogs count? I've got a stack of health/fitness magazine a mile high that I haven't touched in months. And a real book? I haven't read one of those since... summer? (whoops!) Work has been so crazy this year that any free time I have I either go to the gym or run to help with stress... or come home and sit under my heated blanket and pin everything I see. (like now)

Currently watching…

The Today Show. Every morning since I was 10. (Am I the only one who thinks Willie Geist is HOT?)

Currently dreading…

Being out of town so much this semester! I was in DC last weekend for a conference, I'm heading to Indianapolis this weekend for an NBA game (for work!), next weekend I'm off to Pigeon Forge for my birthday (!), the following weekend I'm traveling to West Virginia for a ski weekend (also for work), I get the next weekend off and then I'm off to Colorado for a health & wellness conference for half a week. That's not even counting March where I'll be going to a Spartan Race in Charlotte (for WORK! I can't WAIT!!) & going to Atlanta for a week for another conference. Hello, spring semester. 

Currently wishing…

I had more done for my wedding! I'm so behind. :( 

Currently needing…

My fiancé to get out of bed. :) He's on night shift for a 6 weeks so I never get to see him! 

Currently wanting…

To magically get the motivation to go workout this morning instead of waiting until this afternoon. I'm totally not a morning workout person. Maybe when I have kids? It would make life much less complicated. 

Currently eating…

Nothing yet but I see some chocolate PB2 in my future. :)
Currently drinking…
Diet mountain dew. Don't judge. :)
Currently wearing…
long socks, running shorts, an old college shirt and I'm reppin' a Louisville Cardinals quarter zip on top. Who cares that it's -103832098 outside. 
Currently loving…

Running. I go through stages with running but lately it's been nothing but love. I'm so completely ready for racing season to get here! I was hoping to get my first one in during February but it's looking like the second weekend in March will be my first race of the year. :) Oh and my fiancé, of course. He was passing by our apartment last night on his way back to the office and stopped in to tuck me in. Swoon. :)

1 comment:

  1. And then I had to read the words 'mt dew' and totally omit the 'diet' part and now I need one... haha!! I'm excited for race season to be here too and get back into the swings of things! :)
